A downloadable Card Game

Legitimacy is a game where 2-4 players race to establish a kingdom. Advancement is determined by the collection of Legitimate Cards through engagement with the economy. The first to establish a king, then a queen, and then a jack of their suit is the new monarch. All Hail!

I wanted to create a simple and easy-to-learn card game that is stimulating and complex enough to be entertaining for any age. I thought it would also be a nice opportunity to explore basic economic ideas and I wanted it to involve an element of resource management and progression. It's a game that taps into the feelings of victory, betrayal, and anticipation in order to create an experience you won't soon forget. Forge memories, build a kingdom, and rule them all. 

Platform: Print to Play

Genre: Card Game

Rating: E

Target Market: Ages 6+, casual gamers

Game Design Team: Leslie Graff – Game Designer


Legitimacy Download 61 kB

Install instructions

Download the print-to-play instructions for more information

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